WWW, Wikipedia and OSNs


Networks of Humans

Theme: no one controls the evolution of the network, which is self-organizing

What is represented (self, news, opinion, concept) and its lifecycle determines the structure and the research questions

look at how they connect and when

Direction of communication is important

import networkx as nx 

eu_DG = nx.DiGraph()

Getting data


  • a Networkx digraph will represent connectivity

  • a companion dictionary maps vertices to URLs of the relative pages

  • source: a scrape of the 2005 “.eu” domain


  • supported by the Twython module

  • requires Twitter registration/API token

  • alternative platforms exist, e.g. Tweety (+NLTK)

  • interesting: the network of mentions as a voting system


  • a network of concepts (lemmas/lemmata) maintained by humans (and some bot)

  • time-stamped evolution of the network is available [here]

  • contrary to curated taxonomies, e.g., [Linnaeus, 1735], this is not a tree

a directed acyclic graph is the reference model

Ranking Algorithms: PageRank

PageRank idea

Assign a rank to each vertex (page) on the basis of its importance in the navigation of the network.

Importance will then be captured by the relative value of the dominant Eigenvector of a new matrix P that represents navigation

Variables used

A: directed adjacency matrix (admits dangling ends)

\(K0^{-1}\): 0 everywhere but \(\frac{1}{k_j}\) on the main diagonal

\(N = A\cdot K0^{-1}\)

\(E\): 0 everywhere but \(\frac{1}{|V|}\) on the main diagonal

\[P = \alpha N + (1-\alpha)E\]

Experimentally, set \(\alpha=0.85\)

I.e., \(1-\alpha\) times navigation will jump out of a path and into an arbitrary restart node.

Ranking Algorithms: HITS

HITS idea

Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search [Kleinberg, 1999]

Sees importance of a node in a more nuanced way:

Pages that are important for consultation, e.g., train schedules, have authority and tend to be terminal

Well-connected hub pages that facilitate navigation, e.g., Time Out, are useful but not authoritative per se

  1. authority score \(\mathbf{au(i)}\)

  2. hub score \(\mathbf{h(i)}\)

HITS as Mutual recursion

Hub-iness influences authority which in turns influences hub-iness:

\[au(i) \propto \sum_{j\rightarrow i} h(j)\]

page i is authoritative proportionally to the sum of the hub-iness of the pages that link to it.

\[h(i) \propto \sum_{i\rightarrow j} au(j)\]

page i is hub proportionally to the sum of the authoritativeness of pages that it links to.

Computing HITS scores

We could start with assigning 1 everywhere and hoping that mutual recursion will converge to stable au and h values.

As with Von Mises’ method, we normalise vectors to 1 at each iteration.

Linear Algebra derivations

\[\mathbf{h} \propto AA^T \mathbf{h} = \lambda_h AA^T \mathbf{h}\]

\[\mathbf{au} \propto A^TA \mathbf{au} = \lambda_{au} A^TA \mathbf{au}\]

I.e., we can find \(\mathbf{h}\) and \(\mathbf{au}\) separately by solving the eigenvalue problem for the matrices \(AA^T\) and \(A^TA\)

Main result

For primitive matrices (i.e., connected networks, no dead-ends/sinks)

\[\mathbf{h} \propto AA^T \mathbf{h} = \lambda_h AA^T \mathbf{h}\]

\[\mathbf{au} \propto A^TA \mathbf{au} = \lambda_{au} A^TA \mathbf{au}\]

  • convergence is assured;

  • dominant \(\lambda\) is unique and

  • values for \(\mathbf{h}\) and \(\mathbf{au}\) will be all positive, as desired.

(negative values have no interpretation here)

Community detection

Finding social structures

this is an example of Provost-Fawcett’s problems

  • 4: Clustering

  • 5: co-occurrence grouping

For homogeneous networks, eg., country-to-county of Ch. 2

Community: nodes that are closely connected with each other by strenght or density

Resolution limit: communities with less than \(\sqrt{|V|}\) members cannot be properly identified.


  1. Rank edges by their help to connectivity

  2. remove the top-ranking edge

  3. repeat until loss of connection

  4. now-isolated areas are called communities

Hyp: Betweenness centrality captures help to connectivity


As an optimization prob.

Istance: an adj. matrix A, a small integer \(g\)

Solution: a partition of \(V\) into \(g\) groups

Measure: maximise \(Q\): the overall modularity measure

Interpretation: how likely is a random walker to leave the community?

The Q factor

Let \(E_{g \times g}\) be the cross-group matrix and \(f_i\) the sum of col. \(i\)

Electrical conductance:

\[Q =\sum_{i=1}^g e_{ii}-f_i^2\]

Complexity: NP-complete

Even random networks might exibit densifications that might look as c.