Theme: discover non-trivial relationships among countries
look at how they trade and what they trade
The country-to-product network induces country-to-country and product-to-product relationships.
\[ C = M_{cp}\cdot M_{cp}^T \]
\[ P = M_{cp}^T\cdot M_{cp} \]
For a node i, let \(k_i\) be its degree.
For directed networks: \(k_i = k_i^{in} + k_i^{out}\).
The distribution of degree \(P(k)\) provides a signature of the network.
The average degree is denoted \(\langle k \rangle.\)
For a given directed network, reciprocity is the probability that of having links in both directions between two vertices.
R measures how the economies of two countries become interconnected (or interdependent).
\[ r = \frac{L^\leftrightarrow}{L} \]
\(L^\leftrightarrow\): number of reciprocal links
\(L\): total number of links.
Do vertices tend to connect with those with similar/dissimilar degree?
Compute the avg. degree of \(i\)’s neighbors:
\[ K_{nn}(i) = \frac{\sum_{\langle ij\rangle} k_j}{k_i} \]
Find the avg. \(K_{nn}\) of nodes which have degree \(d\):
\[ K_{nn}(d) = \frac{\sum_{i:k_i=d} K_{nn}(i)}{n_d} \]
where \(n_d\) is the number of nodes having degree \(d.\)
Are \(d\) and \(K_{nn}(d)\) close?
does assortativity grow over time?
The Internet Service Provider network:
Thanks to the Beautifulsoup project, images of networks in .svg
format can be imported into a Networkx structure.
G = nx.Graph()
attrs = { "line" : ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"] }
# what lines are there?
for attr in attrs.keys():
tmps = soup.findAll(attr)
Details in Ch. 3 of the textbook.
Centrality is about importance, of a vertex or edge, within the whole network.
The topology of the network should reflect such importance, so we do not need to inspect the entities.
High degree leads to higher centrality
Being in close reach to anywhere.
Let \(d_{ij}\) be the distance between \(i\) and \(j\) on the graph.
\[ c_j = \frac{1}{\sum_{j\neq i} d_{ij}} \]
Immunised against isolated vertices/disconnection
\[ c^h_j = \sum_{j\neq i} \frac{1}{d_{ij}} = \sum_{d_{ij} < \infty, j\neq i} \frac{1}{d_{ij}} \]
Being in the middle/facilitating all contacts/conversations
Let \(D_{jl}\) be the number of distinct paths that exist between node \(j\) and node \(l\).
Let also \(D_{jl}(i)\) be the number of those paths that go via \(i\)
\[ b(i) = \sum_{\stackrel{j,l=1..n,}{i\neq j\neq l}}\frac{D_{jl}(i)}{D_{jl}} \]
1 shortest path in 4 (or 25%) goes through b, the same with g.
[Brandes 2001] computes \(b(i)\) in \(O(|V|\cdot |E|)\): too slow to be practical even on small networks.
Estimates based on sampling are used instead.
Good estimates are valuable when the network evolves in a fully-dynamic way: edges and vertices are arbitrarily inserted/removed over time.
my c. is the average of my neighbors c.’s,
which in turn depends on my own centrality.
The dominant e-vector \(\mathbf{v_1}\) describes the direction of maximum shape-preserving expansion
\[ A \mathbf{v_1} = \lambda_1 \mathbf{v_1} \]
\[ A \mathbf{v_1} = \lambda_1 \mathbf{v_1} \]
\[ \mathbf{v_1} = \frac{1}{\lambda_1} A \mathbf{v_1} \]
For each vertex \(i\):
\[ v_{1_i} = \frac{1}{\lambda_1} \sum_{j}a_{ij}\cdot v_{1_j} \]
which is the needed centrality measure.
Compute the dominant Eigenpair \((\lambda_1, \mathbf{v_1})\) of A;
sort vertices according to the \(v_{1_i}\) value they “scored.”